I have been super busy in studio as of late working with my group to refine our building shell design as well as work on the atrium that i am designing. With all of this have to managed to neglect my blog for a few days now. It's time to catch up.
The design work is done for the most part, if that ever really happens. I've been working on my presentation drawings for the past few days now. Also started on our final model this afternoon and should be finished by Sunday afternoon. I also hope to complete a larger model of the atrium staircase surround to show some of the details. The detail drawings have been fun to work out, Thank God for Graphics Standards. I have been trying to place these images or at least place holders in our presentation template try and find a way for this thing to be as exciting as I think it is.
I really want to throw out some of the same ol same of presentations like boring plans and interior elevations, yawn. I hope to finally be able to visualy explain what we have spent all this time working on. With so many layers built up to make this space I plan on using a series of axons that show this process. Also I hope to include an exploded perspective view of the circulation core and foot bridges.
Man, I need to get back to work I want to leave with a few drawings that have helped me figure out some proportions for my models and computer models.