Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Group meetings, round one

Here are a few of the schematic drawings we worked on tues.night for our groups shell and form of the studio arts building for studio.

More to come tonight!

The studio wing as well as the classroom wing were elongated to take advantage of the views toward campus and down town as well as to allow for more natural light. Also the core has been enlarged to allow for more of a gesture of a gateway.

Monday, March 23, 2009

one more material

Jimmy reminded me that I had forgotten a few of the materials that I had been researching. I can't believe these slipped my mind.

You can always use extra security, or just a good laugh. Any way you look at it lasers are awesome!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

sunny = sketch

Friday was such a nice day outside and I had found myself with a few extra minutes to spare. With some persuading from Suzanne and Patrick, I decided it was time to do a little sketching. It's not a masterpiece but it was fun.

A nighttime shot of the library entrance from a few weeks ago. I really liked the light qualities and I was already talking about the library anyway.

materials study

As a charrette, we were asked to research six materials and incorporate them into our group's design scheme. As reference for my fellow classmates I am posting my information. Good luck.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Travis Hicks has to be one of the coolest teachers ever!

On St. Patricks, our professor Travis came to class with two amazing gifts for our studio. He had cleaned out his desk at work and brought us several boxes of old magazines Metropolis, Architectural Record, Interior Design among others. Thanks. The other gift, that was what sealed the deal. Travis walked into studio carrying under his arm a black box that appeared to be an instrument case. He then told us that if we did well in our reviews he would show us what was in the case. I guess we did ok, the following video says it all.

Thanks Travis for sharing something so special with us.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Little Something to Think About

Over the break I have been looking over a lot of the old magazines I have massed over the years and found one that could prove to be rather resourceful for our studio this semester. In the Aug. 2004 issue of Architectural Record there is a rather lengthy article about campus buildings, The New Academic Village. Here are a few images from one of the buildings, The Smith College Campus Center by Weiss/Manfredi Architects in North Hampton, Mass.